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Straddle Carrier Training: High Efficiency & Safety

DATE : Aug 22nd, 2024

The straddle carrier is a new and convenient means of transportation for the handling industry. Straddle carrier training is also an important part of successful straddle carrier operation. Skilled skills in operating straddle carrier can be acquired through professional straddle carrier training, thereby improving the efficiency of the handling industry, and improving the utilization of the site.


Straddle Carrier      straddle carrier operator with proficient skills


Content of Straddle Carrier Training


Basic Skills and Theoretical Knowledge


Before a straddle carrier operator can operate a straddle carrier, the first step is to master basic driving skills and theoretical knowledge. This knowledge includes the engine, transmission system, braking system of the straddle carrier, as well as the operating principle of the straddle carrier. In addition, the operator of the straddle carrier also needs to study the relevant traffic laws and safety regulations to ensure safe driving.


Operation and Control


After the straddle carrier operator has mastered the basic theory, the driver needs to start the training and practice of practical operation, including starting, stopping, turning, reversing, etc. Due to the relatively large size of the straddle carrier, the straddle carrier operator also needs to learn how to operate accurately in a narrow space. The training of this process can promote the training personnel to become more skilled in the operation of the straddle carrier.


Advanced Driving Skills


After mastering basic driving skills, straddle carrier operator also need to master advanced driving skills, including how to operate straddle carrier in bad weather, night or complex terrain, and how to calmly respond to unexpected situations, such as brake failure, cargo tilt and so on. In addition, the training covers how to safely evacuate and deal with accidents in an emergency.


Loads Handling


One of the main tasks of straddle carrier is to transport and unload heavy goods. This training includes how to safely and efficiently load and unload and secure cargo to avoid shifting or tilting during transportation. In addition, operators also need to learn how to operate lifting equipment, hydraulics and other tools to ensure the safety of cargo stacking.


Technical Maintenance


The long-term normal running of the mobile straddle carrier is inseparable from basic technical maintenance and troubleshooting. The content of the training includes regular inspection of the operation of various systems of the straddle carrier, such as braking, tires, lighting, etc., and the need to master basic maintenance skills. The main purpose of this training is to develop the autonomous maintenance ability of straddle carrier operators and reduce operational disruptions caused by vehicle failures.


Common Details Are Overlooked During Straddle Carrier Training


Practical Drills for Emergency Situations


Although emergency handling measures are often mentioned in the training, the actual training process is often ignored in order to save time. Therefore, more emergency drills should be added to the training, such as simulating equipment failure, fire and other emergencies, so as to improve the actual response ability of the straddle carrier operators.


The Development of Mental and Physical Qualities


The straddle carrier training process often focuses only on operational skills, but ignores the psychological stress of the operator. Long, high-intensity operations can lead to fatigue driving, inattention and other problems, leading to an increased risk of accidents. Therefore, the training should pay attention to the importance of maintaining good physical quality and mental health.


Environmental Factor


The detailed explanation of operating skills under different environmental conditions, such as how to maintain normal driving in rain and snow, and how to operate in low light environment, is often neglected in the training process of straddle carriers. Operators need to learn how to assess the impact of environmental factors on operations in advance and adjust operational strategies in time.


Training of Safety Awareness


One of the most important aspects of operating straddle carrier is safety, but the awareness and habits of straddle carrier operators to operate safely in their daily work are often ignored. Operators should not only learn safety knowledge during training, but also bear in mind safe operation norms during actual operation to form safe behavior habits.


Straddle carrier training is not only the training of skills, but also an important part of cultivating the responsibility and safety awareness of straddle carrier operators. For more on straddle carrier, please continue to follow our blog content.