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How to Operate Rubber Tyre Gantry Crane in Prefab Yard

DATE : Aug 27th, 2024

Due to the particularity of the products produced in the prefab yard, the equipment of rubber tyre gantry crane is often used. However, the use of rubber tyre gantry crane in the prefabrication field is a complex and efficient operation, which involves site preparation, equipment inspection, safety management and many other aspects. These aspects will affect the safety, efficiency and economy of the operation.


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Factors Affecting the Operation of Rubber Tyre Gantry Crane in the Prefab Yard


1. Site Conditions


This includes the ground condition and spatial layout of the prefab yard. The ground of the prefab yard must be strong and flat enough to withstand the weight of the rubber tyre gantry crane. The spatial layout of the prefab yard includes the width of the road, the size of the hoisting area, etc. The rubber tyre gantry crane ensures that there is enough room for turning and positioning during operation.


2. Component Characteristics


The size and weight of the components are the main factors in choosing a rubber tyre gantry crane. Different components have different requirements for the type of rubber tyre gantry crane. Before purchasing a rubber tyre gantry crane, it is necessary to ensure the lifting capacity and boom length of the rubber tyre gantry crane. At the same time, the design of lifting point will also affect the balance and safety of lifting.


3. Operating Environment


Weather and light problems can affect the safe operation of the rubber tyre gantry crane. For example, strong winds can lead to the swing of lifting components, increasing operational risks, and heavy rains may increase ground instability and affect the normal operation of equipment. In low-light conditions, the rubber tyre gantry crane operator’s limited line of sight will also increase the difficulty of operation.


4. Device Performance


The lifting capacity, width, weight and driving performance of the rubber tyre gantry crane must be combined with the weight and width of the lifting components. Overloading can affect the performance of equipment and also increase the risk of accidents.


5. Operator Quality


Rubber tyre gantry crane needs people to operate, so in order to better play the performance of the equipment, the rubber tyre gantry crane operator has professional skills and rich experience. The operator needs to be able to accurately judge the balance of the load, master the control skills of the equipment, and have the ability to respond to unexpected situations.


6. Economic and Operating Costs


For the choice of rubber tyre gantry crane equipment, the prefab owner will consider the economic benefits, which include fuel or electricity consumption, equipment maintenance, operator labor costs, and so on. These cost factors are taken into account by the owner of the precast plant in the project budget to ensure the economic efficiency of the project.


How to Operate Rubber Tyre Gantry Crane in Prefab Yard


Step 1. Check


This work includes site inspection, equipment inspection and load assessment. Before operating rubber tyre gantry crane, it is necessary to check the ground condition of the prefabricated yard to ensure the level of the ground, at the same time, the operator also needs to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the equipment, including tire pressure, hydraulic system, boom and hook condition, as well as fuel and power supply. In addition, it is also necessary to assess the normal operation of the rubber tire crane according to the weight and size of the prefabricated parts.


Step 2. Hoisting Operation


For lifting operations, skilled rubber tyre gantry crane operators know how to operate, which includes positioning the rubber tire crane, connecting the spreader, lifting members, moving members, placing members, etc. Therefore, before the rubber tire crane operator takes the job, it is necessary to carry out the training and assessment of the job skills.


Step 3. Operation


It is necessary to conduct real-time monitoring during the operation of the rubber tyre gantry crane and maintain communication with the ground command to ensure that every step of the lifting process is agreed upon. When moving prefabricated parts, be careful to avoid fixed obstacles and other equipment on the site. Once the operation is complete, the operator will need to turn the equipment off and park in the designated location while cleaning the operation area and removing excess spreader and temporary supports in preparation for the next operation.


Step4. Security Management


Safety precautions and emergency preparedness are important processes for the safety of operators and field workers. This can cope with possible emergencies, such as equipment failure, prefabricated parts falling and so on.


Step5. Perform Regular Maintenance


According to the use of the equipment, it is necessary to regularly maintain the rubber tyre gantry crane, check and replace the equipment parts, so as to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and extend the service life of the rubber tire crane.


Safety is a factor that must be considered when using a rubber tyre gantry crane in a prefabrication yard. Safety is closely related to the performance of the rubber tyre gantry crane, the site environment, and the skills of the operator. For more details about the use of rubber tyre gantry crane, please continue to follow us!