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Automated Rubber Tyred Gantry | Support Customization

DATE : Jul 24th, 2024

The automatic rubber tyred gantry crane has efficient operation capability and accurate control system, which can reduce the equipment’s manual operation and reduce maintenance costs. Because of its own advantages, automatic rubber tyred gantry crane plays an important role in the modern logistics industry, beam yard, container distribution center and other industries.


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1. High Efficiency

The automatic control system of the automatic rubber tyred gantry crane can realize 24 hours of operation, which can improve the efficiency of cargo handling. Secondly, the automatic rubber tyred gantry crane can also ensure the accuracy and efficiency of every operation through automatic and intelligent systems. In addition to this, precise operation reduces the risk of damage to the cargo and improves the safety and reliability of the overall operation.


2. Low Cost

Automatic rubber tyred gantry crane has obvious economic advantages in long-term operation, but the initial investment will be relatively high. The automatic rubber tyred gantry crane reduces the dependence on labor, so the user’s long-term labor costs and operating costs will be relatively low. In addition, automated systems can reduce maintenance and repair costs.


3. Environmental Protection and Energy Saving

The automatic rubber tyred gantry crane uses an electric drive system, which can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases to a certain extent. At the same time, the electric power system can make the automatic rubber tyred gantry crane reduce noise during operation and reduce noise pollution.


Common Problems and Solutions of Automatic Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane


1. The Sensor is Faulty

The automatic rubber tyred gantry crane relies on sensors for precise positioning and operation. If the sensor fails, it may lead to inaccurate positioning of the automatic rubber tyred gantry crane, operation errors, and serious safety problems.



As for the fault of the automatic tire lift sensor, it can be solved by regular calibration and real-time monitoring. Develop a detailed sensor calibration plan to ensure that each sensor is tested regularly. At the same time, through the implementation of the monitoring system to detect the working status of the sensor, timely detection and processing of abnormal situations.


2. The Software System is Faulty

The control system of automatic rubber tyred gantry crane is complicated. If there is a software system problem, it may cause the automatic rubber tyred gantry crane lift system to fail.



For the system failure problem, automatic rubber tyred gantry crane users can take regular maintenance, backup system, test software environment and other methods to avoid the occurrence of this situation.


3. Mechanical Parts Wear

Mechanical equipment will have parts wear during use, which will affect the accuracy and service life of the equipment.



For the wear of mechanical equipment parts, it is necessary to check the wear of mechanical parts regularly and replace the severely worn parts in time. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the lubrication of the mechanical parts, reduce friction and extend the service life of the parts.


4. Unstable Power Supply

The automatic rubber tyred gantry crane relies on electric power. If the power supply is unstable, it may affect the operation of the equipment.



To solve the problem of unstable power supply of automatic rubber tyred gantry crane, power monitoring can be adopted. Install a power monitoring system on the equipment to monitor the power supply in real time.


Automatic Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane Application Case Sharing


150 tons Automatic Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane – Philippines Customer

One of our customers in the Philippines is currently using one of our automatic rubber tyred gantry crane. The gantry crane is installed and adjusted before it leaves the factory to ensure that there are no problems with the product before it is shipped. Video of installation and commissioning will also be provided to customers if they need it. This 150-ton automatic rubber tyred gantry crane has also been safely debugged at the customer’s application site. The equipment operates stably and meets international quality standards.


120 tons Automatic Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane – UAE Customer

A customer in the United Arab Emirates ran a beam yard and needed to buy an automatic rubber tyred gantry crane to hang on the beam yard for work. When the device arrives at the customer site, the customer chooses online installation guidance. Thanks to the cooperation of both parties, this automatic rubber tyred gantry crane was successfully put into use.


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