160T Beam Trolley Installation and Commissioning in Indonesia

DATE : Oct 12th, 2019

The installation and commissioning of the 160ton beam trolley was successfully completed on October 12, 2019. The beam trolley used in the bridge construction project to carry I girders were installed over the course of several months by a team of skilled engineers and workers.


The beam trolley was undertaken by Huadelift Heavy Industry, which specialises in heavy lifting equipment. The beam trailers were manufactured and shipped to Indonesia for installation. To ensure the beam trolley was positioned correctly and securely, we had to take into account factors such as wind and weather conditions, as well as the weight and dimensions of the loads being transported.


160T Beam Trolley    160T Beam Trolley


Following successful installation, the beam trolley has now been commissioned and are ready for use in the upcoming construction projects in Indonesia. This 160ton beam trolley can significantly enhance Indonesia’s infrastructure capabilities and improve the efficiency and safety of large-scale construction projects. Our clients have also expressed their satisfaction with the outcome.